Seven artists and cultural workers talk about work and life in an utopian state of society. How is work organized? What is work? Is there work? And how could we work together?
Experimental Documentary, HD, 54min.
In the 21st century, work is increasingly individualised and thus corresponds to neoliberal demands.
Artists were and are part of the „avant-garde“ of these developments.
Starting from a contemporary Berlin co-working space, the filmmaker sets out to explore utopian forms of work. She talks to cultural workers who have supposedly already achieved their utopia. She witnesses a meeting in which attempts are made to bring the individual ideas together into a common utopia. „She works hard“ is a film about utopias of a society in which work is formed differently and distributed differently. An attempt to imagine ways out of precarious artistic working conditions.
A fictional documentary on utopias that seem impossible, but have the potential to unfold if only we believed in their possibility.
With: Nino Bulling, Hanna Bergfors and Kornelia Kugler, Konstanze Schmitt and Bini Adamczak, Markues, Noam Gorbat, Kathrin Lemcke
Also with: Filmische Initiative Leipzig (FILZ)
Director: Kathrin Lemcke
Assisting Director: Jana Keuchel
Project Consultants: Bettina Ellerkamp, Merle Kröger, Sarah Charalambides
Cinematography: Jonas Römmig, Jana Keuchel, Kathrin Lemcke, Juliane Jaschnow
Art Director: Daniela Grömke
Sound and Sound-Design: Claus Stoermer
Music: Manuela Schininá
Lighting: Karl Konrad Pompe, Stephan Helmut Beier, Jonas Römmig, Maurice Wilkerling
Catering: Mayan Printz
Editing: Kathrin Lemcke
Graphic Design: Franziska Stübgen
Sound Mix: Florian Marqart
Color Correction: André Winkler, digim
Produced in the Framework of the Professional Media Master Class (PMMC) Lab, werkleitz – Zentrum für Medienkunst
The PMMC Lab was funded by Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt and the European Social Fund.
A FILZ Production
Screenings & Exhibitions:
Exhibition The end of the fucking work. Galerie im Turm, Berlin 12.04.2021 – 27.06.2021
Screening as part of Frauen*streik Augsburg 2021, online, 07.03.2021
Screening Meeting utopia as part of the congress Zukunft Für Alle, IDEAL project space, Leipzig, 28.08.2020
Event series: Feminismus oder Barbarei II, Filmhaus Nuremberg, 22.10.2019
Symposium: I, too, part two – Was ist Kunst wert?, Kunsthaus Hamburg, 25.05.2019
Exhibition and event series: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You. Ein Versuch, utopisch zu denken, AK Unbehagen, Leipzig, 14.05.2019
Screening and talk with MdL (SN) Claudia Maicher, kulturpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion Bündnis 90/Grüne: Zukunftsperspektiven von Künstlerinnen in Sachsen, Luru Kino Leipzig, 5.03.2019
Long Night of Filmfestivals, Kino Zukunft Berlin, 18.08.2018
Aktionstag #wessenfreiheit, HGB Leipzig, 5.06.2018
FEM-Power: Prekäre Arbeitsverhältnisse im Kunst- und Kulturbetrieb, Burg Giebichenstein Halle 2.05.2018
Premiered at One World Berlin Human Rights Festival, Oktober 2017