
Filmpassenger is the homepage of film maker and media artist Kathrin Lemcke.

Lemcke studied Media art at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle with Ute Hörner and Michaela Schweiger and at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design with Tomer Heymann, Avi Mograbi and Salamanca Group. She participated at the Professional Media Master Class (PMMC) of werkleitz – Zentrum für Medienkunst and later at the Professional Media Master Class (PMMC) Lab with Merle Kröger, Bettina Ellerkamp, Meike Martens, Philipp Scheffner, Hans Beller and many more. She is a member of the film group Filmische Initiative Leipzig – FILZ.

In her works Lemcke deals with traces of historical and political situations in places and landscapes. She’s interested in the interrelation between the individual and the collective history, present and future. Her current works approach the interrelation between gender and economy.

Her latest work She works hard of 2017 tries to imagine utopias of how work and thus society could be organized in a different way so it would rather really satisfy the needs of people, beyond gender or other boundaries. 2015 she organized and curated the exhibition and workshop programme Queer Aesthetics together with Daniela Schönemann and Eva Storms. In 2014 she realized the documentary You know just how it was in Rostock together with Miteinander e.V. and Sound-designer and artist Claus Störmer of YHT. The same year she co-organized the Workshop Wütende Frauen together with Berlin based artist Markues as part of the group project Q.[art] at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design and showed parts of her educational work in the temporary art space poly.mär. 2013 she co-curated the group show Q.[art] – what the ar_t?! together with the sculptors Daniela Schönemann and Lukas Wronski and finished her biographical documentary fourth generation singular perfect. 2011 together with Florian Göthner she made the short film Dear Guy.

She lives in Leipzig, Germany.